Delight your customers with Visual Voicemail

Typically, we access voicemail by manually dialling tones. With World Voicemail, voicemail becomes an easy and convenient tool that your customers will love.

Read or listen to voicemails

A visual voicemail interface, enabling your customers to easily browse and access voicemails in any order. Automatic transcriptions let you discreetly read or listen to voicemails.

More Control

Replay, call back, delete and share voicemails quickly. Voicemail is as useful and convenient as it should be.

Beat Spam

Spam calls are a growing problem for telcos worldwide. The United States alone received 54.6 billion spam calls in 20191, with Spain, the UK, Italy and France, experiencing the highest spam call rates in the world, between 20 – 24% in 20182.

World Voicemail’s new anti-spam functionality delivers three new ways for end-users to manage spam voicemails:

Spam Auto-Detection

Artificial intelligence (machine learning) in the App detects and marks suspected spam for the user to confirm its status.

A place to hide spam

End-users can optionally move voicemails to a new in-app Spam folder.

Silence spam

Subsequent voicemails from a caller marked as a spammer can be silenced and automatically moved to the spam folder.

Tailor the experience

World Voicemail can be tailored for your audience to match your brand and their preferences.

A new direct communication channel opportunity

Combine a variety of news, alert and promotional channels to drive customer engagement KPIs.

Practical Personalisations

World Voicemail lets users tailor their own experience with Dark Mode support, Custom Greetings, Appearance Settings and more.

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Create loyal customers

Create a simple user experience that creates user ‘stickiness’ and reduces churn.

Email Notifications

Users can add up to two email addresses to also receive voicemails in their inbox.

Text-Searchable Voicemail

Seamless and useful, searching voicemail by keyword is a new feature no one wants to lose.

Urgent Voicemail Alerts

Artificial Intelligence in the App, clearly marks urgent voicemails for users to give attention.

Multiple Deployment Options

Deploy your white-labelled World Voicemail solution to millions of users with our fully virtualised architecture. Get the lowest-cost CAPEX and OPEX when budgeting for your voicemail upgrade.


Employ 100% OPEX and a fast-tracked, two-week deployment with infrastructure and Apps handled by Norwood.


Deploy to your existing data centres. Our team will work closely with yours to integrate and deploy a truly world-class solution.


Select your own cloud service provider. Enjoy reduced deployment time and 100% OPEX.


A VNF packaged service for telco-grade deployment.

Find out how better voicemail makes for better business

Curious about our options or how easy it is to deploy World Voicemail to your customers? 

Available on iOS and Android

Covering over 96% of smartphone users, you can put the App in the hands of millions.

Multi-Lingual Support

World Voicemail supports multi-lingual transcriptions and interface localisations to suit your audience.

See how World Voicemail works

Boost your Customer Experience KPIs

  • Increase call completions

    Networks have 60-70% ‘slam-down’ on unconnected calls.

  • Increase customer satisfaction

    Voicemail power-users will love World Voicemail.

  • Increase engagement

    Thanks to our thought out App design and SDK potential integration.

  • Increase acceptance to promos

    With less obtrusive signalling.

  • Improve the overall user experience

    Handling missed inbound calls is a big opportunity.

  • Differentiate your services

    Innovate independently from existing network and constraints.


1Hiya, “State of the call”, 2019. Available here.

2Infosecurity, “Global Spam Calls Hit 85 Billion in 2018“, 28 Feb 2019. Available here.